
over and over

hey! wake me up!
everyone just wake me down...

mornings are the worst and I
don't even know why,
I think its just the way it is - but
if I think like that, then
it won't be able to change, it will
then be a part of nature
which is the mightiest of all...

mornings is supose to be a new
chance to make everything right,
but for me it feels just like I got
to start all over again, everything
I did didn't meant anything, like
the freedom of the night is taken
away - make me think it was just
a dream I dreamt and I got to go
back to the grey of everyday life
of work I don't want to work out -
they say that practice makes perfect,
but who said perfect existed? its
one hell of a stupid thing, they let us
do the same and we never progress,

so... hey! wake me up! - take me to a
higher grade, take me to a place
where I with a straight back can stand
and look forward and not back
to my warm bed which can be my grave

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